Sunday, August 18, 2019

Vid första ögonkastet – konstnärsbesök från New York
August 24 - September 8, 2019

Opening Reception, Saturday, August 24, 2019, 12 pm - 4 pm
Södertälje Konstförening
Gamla Rådhuset, Stora Torget
Södertälje, Sweden

Södertälje Art Society opens the fall exhibition season at the Old Town Hall in Södertälje by inviting four artists who, with their different expressions, give an idea of contemporary tendencies in the New York art scene. Nadia Martinez, Poramit Thantapalit, Monika Camillucci, and Cecilia Nelson.

The exhibition's Article at the LT, we made the front page!
New York artist who pops up computers - now she shows her work in Södertälje